The Indian Government sponsored the NSS Programme under the Department of Youth affairs and Sports. It was started to train the students in serving to the Nation and the People.
The Motto of NSS is “not me, but you”. This expresses the essence of democratic living and upholding the need for selfless services and appreciation of another man’s point of view and also showing humanitarian consideration for fellow beings. It insists that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of the society as a whole.
To inculcate the Social welfare the rights among the Students.
To Serve the Society without any hesitation and prejudice.
To develop the inner spirit of the students for social work and thereby develop the personality of the Students.
In Our College there are 3 Units of N.S.S with 150 Volunteers of which one unit is for the Women. Three N.S.S Programme Officers Plan and conduct social programmes in and around the rural places and villages of the College.
Students selected on the basis of a high sense of duty and discipline and smart turn-out are permitted to participate in the following activities among others.